Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Selflessness is trending

It is fair to say all those great people, helped the world in one way or another. GREAT NELSON MANDELA, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR AND MAHATMA GHANDI.
Who does not want to be live forever? Your name, will live on because of your work. The question is what have you done?

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

ROCO1245: 3 months only!

So we have realized that our opportunity to make a change in our beautiful world is in existence now. The duration is never known, you could blink and it could be gone.

What we have started in these few months will be the topic of discussion for generations to come and if it is not the pride we take from it will last a lifetime. ROCO1245 is a juristic person, immortal unlike you and me. Its achievements will last for centuries, but this will by far be the greatest.

Making our home a better place. We strive for the development of the youth in terms of their socioeconomic position and most importantly the development of the self. Mind, Body and Soul.

We at ROCO1245 are conscious of the many troubles faced by society and in order to make cents of this,(we will) solve the problem.

Your problem our opportunity, it could be yours too, a change of mindset! @ROCO1245 #TRIBUNE BIGsmall business.


Tuesday, 30 September 2014

The best woman, you can be...

We do appreciate it when you clean, bake, cook and all those other small but so meaningful things.

Thank you to all the mothers of the world. The female is truly a magnificent creature. You do know this, although they capable of doing anything there's one that just seems to be super weird. Women can love you and hate you at the same time, they bring joy and happiness, heart ache and sadness.

Shout out to the women that know what they want and go get it. Overcoming all social barriers, this goes out to those who ask, "who makes the norms normal?"

Driven, gifted and hardworking, the mother of the nation. The best female generation.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Boys to men

When boys become men, you can see the difference in the way they carry themselves. Walk changes. Talk changes. See this is a time when they realize that talking brings nothing unless you are a good politician because then it can get your butt into parliament.

On the real though, you should do the work and people will talk. Take a second and reflect on what you have accomplished this year. So far in your life. Get off your butt and start working.

Life is amazing people, make the most out of. Studying the history of The Great Alexander you get to see what he was thinking, how he was thinking when he conquered the known world before he was even 30 years old.

Ancient civilizations knew that in order to live forever you must do something so great that everyone else will regard your work as the benchmark for centuries to come.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The gazelle

When all you have known is chasing and have forever wanted/sought. How are you suppose to know when you have found it?

Seeking for what you think you wanted then getting it and realizing it's not enough. The chase begins.....

The gazelle and the Lion story as told by Mr Eric Thomas....

When do you get to the point where you can consciously say you are content? How will you know that you are at that point?

About the gazelle, it follows an ancient trail one carved through the grasslands over decades. The annual migration through the Seringeti, they leave the dry grazing fields and head for greener pastures..... literally.

Who would dare to say that even when the gazelle fortunately finds good grazing land outside of the migratory trail it would not join the migration?

Friday, 19 September 2014

2nd of December, making a real difference.

Who's job is it to change lives?

Most of us ignore whatever problem that society has then hope that some other person will take care of it. There's a real problem, consciousness of the people is lacking.


We would like all who can lend a helping hand on the day or towards making the event successful to kindly do so. If we don't do it who will?

Contact us at ROCO1245@GMAIL.COM

Monday, 15 September 2014

Purposeful living

A man that knows what he wants and is willing to do whatever to get it is a great man. All those 'GREATS' in history went far and beyond for an idea or a cause.

These men only knew what they wanted but didn't know exactly how or when or where to get it, that's the beauty of it. There's a certain rush that belittles all that stood in your way. The thrill of achievement.

Yearn for more than what you see, the history books will say a great man/woman once lived. Remember it is better to focus and give all you got to one thing at a time. It is best to try and fail.

A man who stands up and asks " breaking a mournful silence" is a fool for now however all those who don't ask will be fools forever.

@ROCO1245 BIGsmall business. Let us work.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Titles and Claims

Roco1245 BIGsmall business. The TRIBUNE E-MAGAZINE. What they hating for?

They don't have their own dreams.

You are well positioned to realize that after the hate has passed Roco1245 is going to be there, probing and thriving. We won't forget where we come from.

TRIBUNE E-MAGAZINE @ROCO1245 BIGsmall business. Follow us @ROCO1245. Like our page on Facebook. ROCO1245. WE ARE GHETTO HEROES, HAVEN'T YOU HEARD?

We are in a struggle!  We will recognize the ones we came up with. That is the rule of the game!

Monday, 8 September 2014

Survey @ROCO1245 BIGsmall business

Please take the survey now!


Download the E-MAGAZINE now! @ROCO1245 #TRIBUNE #ABASHWE

Make or Be History!

If I died tonight, how would the world remember me?
I told too many lies, to her " I'm emotionally unavailable right now" which should have been " I'm crazy about you ". To my mom which I will regret the most. To the world which only knows the title with which I'm addressed.
Are we really the hallow man?
I'm more than my name. The name is as important as the person. History will reveal that I once lived, what I did what I achieved. History is not reliable, it won't reveal why I lied, why I loved and why I did what most men could not.
How my little jokes made her day, how I made my nation, my community and most importantly my mom proud. How I made a fellow student feel when I stopped him to tell him how I thought I could change his life.
Let the scholars argue about my life, let them compare me to the greats.
I'm a modern African king. A contemporary Pharaoh, in my own right. I run my world. The Emperor. I don't need subjects the 9 in high school were good.
If I died tonight how would the world remember me? A life taken too early? Or why it took this long?
Remember me! @ROCO1245

Please take the survey below, your feedback is important to us.

Sunday, 7 September 2014


If it's well deserved, why not?
Hahaha!  No play all work, no cliché! 

What have they said about ROCO1245? "umlilo wema'phepha"?
" They have been doing this and that..... "
@ROCO1245 BIGsmall business. We have been working, are you ready for the inside story?
Man of the moment @junior_nkambule!!!! well done man, Nelcity REP. Follow the guy to find out more...
To all our moms thank you!

Send your success stories to be featured on TRIBUNE! EMAIL US ON:  ROCO1245@GMAIL.COM
Please take the survey below, your feedback is important to us.

Big takes time...

Shortcuts lead to short life spans, UNSURPRISINGLY SO!

BIGsmall business @ROCO1245. Eventually you will be in the economic and social position you want to be in, persistent successive efforts.
Success is not for the weak. Don't go to the gym trying to be successful," ishh yati" unless you fat.
It's been a year, what have you done outside of the normal ? What LEGACY will you leave?

Please take the survey below, your feedback is important to us.

Love sex and music

"we gon' make love to a rap song..."

Where has the love gone to? Will it ever come back? See all the little girls and little boys running around acting like they know what love is,  what life is and what a love life is.
Little girls and boys. It's funny how the grown up music artists call themselves boys when we know they at least 40+
Love sex and music. These are essentials of life, unlike water and food that feeds the body, LOVE SEX AND MUSIC feeds the soul.
Sex, why are you afraid? Let's talk about it so that we avoid misinformation and misunderstanding. Why is it that there exist a glass sealing just under the sex conversation. It is pivotal that our generation gets talking so that we can be better of as a whole. Talking = No taboo
And music?...... Just don't abuse it please.

Please take the survey below, your feedback is important to us.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Talk = cheap/chirp like a bird.

Mann I have been talking to a lot of people about a lot of stuff. I have found that talking lessens the chance Of actually doing what you want to do......  Psychology says you lose the drive to go get it when you talk about it.

Law of attraction says when you THINK it you will achieve it. The brain is like a wild cat it runs wild naturally, you TAME IT with education and exercising ideas, if you think about it, thinking in a certain way is  an activity for the brain.

Learn to shut up.... Not all people wish to see you prosper their negatively charged energies will rub of on you. Staying positive is a prerequisite for success.

To all go getters, dreamers and initiators, you are all heroes......
Hahaha wear your underpants on jeans. PROUDLY

No thongs please!


Thursday, 21 August 2014

Selflessness, is it really being without the self?

Doing well against your will is, well, selfless because you're a greedy hoarder but you sacrifice what and who you are for the greater good.....
Who ever created auto save forgot that the average person had to lie and keep secrets to live well. Now anyone can see those documents or pics on your phone / mobile office.
It's a crazy world...... @ROCO1245 we believe that honesty is pivotal in becoming a GREAT. So next time the lazy man on his buttocks on sidewalks asks for a rand tell him the truth, you in a rush (he needs a job and shower) (a shower 1st then the job) yeah straight talk, tell him he is preying on the hard working man, that you have a 10 rand note but won't give him a cent because there's no chance you that selfless... That you know your pocket change would make his day but you would rather buy bubble gum. Yeah straight up.
Well, as it stands, we are all selfish it's a survival instinct. Does it sit well? We are not all greedy, we not all.... it could be about one thousand words now..... it could be about a picture now.

Please take the survey below, your feedback is important to us.

Late nights and Early mornings

You know how you have to have 5 different sets of alarms, strategically so. Two on the loud phone that annoys you. Two on the phone you like so that you won't smash it when it sounds. One on the radio because it's strategically placed that you must get up to switch it off.

The sequence being, 04:00, 04:30, 05:00, 05:30, 06:00...... wake up after the 5th?, it's daily routine. After that you quote E.T, "I don't need an alarm clock, my passion wakes me up, hooooo!!! " interjection and all!

Small efforts will result in your success. Waking up 5 min earlier than the previous day will gradually make you The "morning person". Anyway sleep is not bad if you are an efficient worker using most of your 24.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Celebration of the small successes

Our pages are stamped "ghetto heroes" it's what we are , with no S on the chest, with no underwear over our pants.

@ROCO1245 brings ideas to the apparently forgotten ghettos. Ideas are very powerful in that man live in a certain way because of what and how they think. Open mindedness, enlightened perception on work and principles, we believe that through these a necessary change may be initiated. When people look at life in a different positive perspective, find their passion and let lose the tiger /tigress of potential in them, the world's wealth of the world will avail itself.

@ROCO1245 stands for what is great in the world and means ring of corporates starting in the 1245 because that's home. That is where change will start.

We kindly ask you to join us on our journey, in our projects and in celebrations of those small successes. @ROCO1245 GHETTO HEROES!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Pursuit of Happiness....

What you do and what you say have to be the same, equal enthusiasm and equal energy.

" I'm on the pursuit of Happiness and I know everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold, hey! I'll be fine once I get it...."  kid Cudi

Work that is it!
It? Yeah it, work is what it takes.

Monday, 18 August 2014

What is it going to be that takes you through? Talent or Skill?


I "did" is a magic word , it brings joy to one and fulfilment .
What would you say enables to do things? To do them better than others and to be so good at that one thing that you do not even work on it as much as what kills you. YEAH! We all have that thing we suck at , that double tap & scoop, the chest control, saving, public speaking , honesty, speaking to our crush, prioritising and eating faster than our older brothers.
 Not mentioning all the BAD HABITS would be leaving the cherry on the table instead of on the cake.......this one is a bit tricky because you could be so good at getting stoned and drinking but you also suck because you not man enough or women enough to quit. .QUITTING IS NOT FOR LOSERS CONTINUING IS....

Anyway back to I "did" the magic word that will open so many doors for you. Well if it is still relevant , even if you are about to do it and "did" is far off , STOP BEING LAZY AND GET UP, MOST DOORS ARE UNLOCKED JUST TWIST THE HANDLE IF NOT JERK IT UP AND DOWN A LITTLE ! This is a 1245 secrete, that is how we do in Kabokweni, Psshhh! Please don't tell.

Where were we? Oh yeah the "did" , the point is "DID" IS GREATER THAN "I CAN" OR "I WILL", so the answer that is so relevant it fixes all your 99 problems ,because you know you are not JAY-Z, is do something about it.

Oh following @ROCO1245 might fix a couple of problems!

Impossible doesn't exist.

Get up get out = Get GUAP

Why should you worry about financial problems?
Why should you always read about what others are doing?
What makes you feel like you are not capable of doing great things?
Why should you be unhappy?

Get up and Get out = Get GUAP

Contextual meaning :
GUAP = abundance > Money

What have we become?

The word Ubuntu means a lot of things and differs with every person. Thing is in my country, there once existed a tolerant, respectful, humble and generous society. One that consisted of a variety of people from different tribes, cultures and that practiced different traditions, Ubuntu was one of the core principles of the value systems. It's meaning differs by tribe . GENERALLY IT IS REFERS TO A CHILD OF THE SOCIETY. "UMUNTU NGU MUNTU NGABANTU"

Ubuntu was the common value, principle and idea, it enabled us to live together in peace despite all the differences.

What have we become?
16th August, The Koppie
MIKE Brown #Ferguson

What have we become?

Bad boys 3

Check out @EOnlineUK's Tweet:

It would be awesome if life had a fast forward button.

How..... about..... a..... little..story?

That's how you will talk to your grandsons and granddaughters whenever you see them, remembering a life you once lived. A life that will be as invaluable as the soul in the man. A life that has guaranteed them life!

Right now you might think this is all crazy, there will come a time when you wish you had more time.

@ROCO1245 we live in the moment, enjoying life in whole. We do not make the mistake of thinking there's still time, we act on the presumption that what we do now will determine the future of complete societies.  Our family Our people.

Neh!!!! Adam Sandler, keep your remote. We only ask that you pause right before the crash and forward right before moms begins her "I told you..." speech.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

What happens when you think about money, success and mo'money?

On the bottom of the soul rests a sunken purpose that has since been buried under layer after layer of doubt and distortions of reality therefore the truth. On the bottom of the heart sits a lion/liones a tiger/tigress in some special ones , there sits a Liger and a Tigon waiting for the day that it will be unleashed. 

Your true worth , your capabilities and unlimited imagination are trapped between ignorance and conforming to the "norms" . We @ROCO1245 believe that anything is possible so should you .The world belongs to us , we are kings and queens in our right .GET UP AND LET US MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING!