Doing well against your will is, well, selfless because you're a greedy hoarder but you sacrifice what and who you are for the greater good.....
Who ever created auto save forgot that the average person had to lie and keep secrets to live well. Now anyone can see those documents or pics on your phone / mobile office.
It's a crazy world...... @ROCO1245 we believe that honesty is pivotal in becoming a GREAT. So next time the lazy man on his buttocks on sidewalks asks for a rand tell him the truth, you in a rush (he needs a job and shower) (a shower 1st then the job) yeah straight talk, tell him he is preying on the hard working man, that you have a 10 rand note but won't give him a cent because there's no chance you that selfless... That you know your pocket change would make his day but you would rather buy bubble gum. Yeah straight up.
Well, as it stands, we are all selfish it's a survival instinct. Does it sit well? We are not all greedy, we not all.... it could be about one thousand words now..... it could be about a picture now.
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