Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Celebration of the small successes

Our pages are stamped "ghetto heroes" it's what we are , with no S on the chest, with no underwear over our pants.

@ROCO1245 brings ideas to the apparently forgotten ghettos. Ideas are very powerful in that man live in a certain way because of what and how they think. Open mindedness, enlightened perception on work and principles, we believe that through these a necessary change may be initiated. When people look at life in a different positive perspective, find their passion and let lose the tiger /tigress of potential in them, the world's wealth of the world will avail itself.

@ROCO1245 stands for what is great in the world and means ring of corporates starting in the 1245 because that's home. That is where change will start.

We kindly ask you to join us on our journey, in our projects and in celebrations of those small successes. @ROCO1245 GHETTO HEROES!

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