Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Everybody wants to be great: The boat story

You know why we all like movies?
It's because we go on a boat ride that goes no where, it is a stationary fictitious ride that we willingly take.

You're 3 years old in the arcade. You want to ride the lovely singing boat so badly you willing to forfeit weekly allowance. Ride after ride. Time after time.

We relate to and admire the characters because they were designed to bring out certain emotions certainly. The artists that play them are brilliant drivers of the boat.

We see ourselves in them, we are so consumed by what we could be that we forget to remember, we are.
Pride, sorrow, joy, courage, disappointment and happiness. All packaged with dramatic music that makes the products worth having.

On our own we can experience, do and accomplish all we want, all we see in the characters. All we see is mere imitation of life... Take nothing away from movie production. We give life to the characters when we believe, not forgetting that it a fictitious and very stationary boat ride that leads to no where.

Life has no forever after. No visual effects. No dramatic music.

Point is
There is no point.
Appreciate art, love life and most importantly appreciate every moment just like you would if it were a movie.

Que music; Dramatic Exit...

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